Winners Announced!

See who won a free Signature Kit.

Hello all!

Thank you to everyone who completed our recent newsletter survey! The results will help us make these newsletters more helpful to you all as we move into the new year! We really appreciate it.

As promised, we have chosen 3 random survey respondents to win a free Andymation Signature Kit.

We are happy to announce the winners now!

(Drum roll please)

The winners are:

  1. Jerry Wiskerson.

  2. Tabitha Officer.

  3. Ujaan Roy.

We are reaching out to the winners directly to send you your Signature Kits. We plan to provide more opportunities to win free Andymation products in future newsletters. So, stay tuned!

And in other news…

Saturday, December 14 is the last day we can guarantee shipping by Christmas on products purchased at That’s just a week away!

And thank you again for your help with the survey and every other way that you guys support Andymation! We hope you have a delightful holiday season.


— The Andymation Team.